Wednesday 12 February 2014

Bigsby Livre de Sorts

Bigsby Livre de Sorts
UC=Ultimate Combat, UM=Ultimate Magic, CotR=Chronicles of the Righteous

-Level 1: 

Adjuring Step (UC, Abjur), 
Charm Person (Ench), 
Color Spray (Illus), 
Endure Elements (Abjur), 
Memory Lapse (APG, Ench),  (CopiĆ© par Elzedar)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necro), 
Restore Corpse (Necro), 
Unprepared Combatant (UM, Ench)

-Level 2: 
Compassionate Ally (UM, Ench), 
Protection from Evil communal (UM, Abjur), 
Scare (Necro), 
Tactical Acumen (UC, Ench), 
Warding Weapon (UC, Abjur)

-Level 3: 
Dispel Magic (Abjur), 
Charitable Impulse (CotR, Ench), (CopiĆ© par Elzedar)
Ray of Exhaustion (Necro), 
Suggestion (Ench), 
Tongues (Div)

-Level 4: 
Crushing Despair (Ench)