Wednesday 12 February 2014

Bigsby Livre de Sorts

Bigsby Livre de Sorts
UC=Ultimate Combat, UM=Ultimate Magic, CotR=Chronicles of the Righteous

-Level 1: 

Adjuring Step (UC, Abjur), 
Charm Person (Ench), 
Color Spray (Illus), 
Endure Elements (Abjur), 
Memory Lapse (APG, Ench),  (Copié par Elzedar)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necro), 
Restore Corpse (Necro), 
Unprepared Combatant (UM, Ench)

-Level 2: 
Compassionate Ally (UM, Ench), 
Protection from Evil communal (UM, Abjur), 
Scare (Necro), 
Tactical Acumen (UC, Ench), 
Warding Weapon (UC, Abjur)

-Level 3: 
Dispel Magic (Abjur), 
Charitable Impulse (CotR, Ench), (Copié par Elzedar)
Ray of Exhaustion (Necro), 
Suggestion (Ench), 
Tongues (Div)

-Level 4: 
Crushing Despair (Ench)

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